Thursday, 16 April 2015

Acknowledgements and Thanks

When I was only 7 years old, my much loved and very missed Mum bought me a set of encyclopaedias, The Waverley Books of Knowledge. One of the things that captured my imagination was the description of the highest mountain on earth and how it had only just been conquered - remember this was only 4 years after Hillary and Tenzing. My fascination with all things Everest had begun, thank you Mum.

In the '80's a business friend, Jack Culley, told me about his treks in the Himalayas guided by Sherpas. His stories told of the beauty and tranquility of the people and country. Thank you Jack, you lit the fire of my ambition. 

In 2006 the UK Foreign Office took Nepal off their 'do not visit' list and I took this as a sign to make my first trip to Nepal. My love affair with this country had started.
Thank you to the wonderful Nepali people, whose smiles light up our lives. You see more smiles in an hour than you do in a week in the West. As a Nation they have the least, but in their lives and hearts, they have the most.

Lastly a huge thank you to my wife, Beverley. Without your support and blessings I would't have made my visits to Nepal and the Himalayas. You always encourage my madcap ideas and I love you even more for this.

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